Download free rebecca nurse the crucible
Download free rebecca nurse the crucible

( LINK TO DOCUMENTS RELATING TO NURSE TRIAL) One of the signers of the petition, Jonathan Putnam, had originally sworn out the complaint against Nurse, but apparently had later changed his mind on the matter of her guilt. Thirty-nine of the most prominent members of the community signed a petition on Nurse's behalf, and several others wrote individual petitions vouching for her innocence.

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That her reputation was virtually unblemished was evidenced by the fact that several of the most active accusers were more hesitant in their accusations of Nurse, and many who had kept silent during the proceedings against others, came forward and spoke out on behalf of Nurse, despite the dangers of doing so. She was a woman of piety, and simplicity of heart." At the time of her trial she was 71 years old, and had "acquired a reputation for exemplary piety that was virtually unchallenged in the community." It was written of Nurse: "This venerable lady, whose conversation and bearing were so truly saint-like, was an invalid of extremely delicate condition and appearance, the mother of a large family, embracing sons, daughters, grandchildren, and one or more great-grand children. Nurse was one of the first "unlikely" witches to be accused. He seems to have been highly respected by his neighbors, and more often than anyone else was called in to settle disputes. Nurse's husband was described as a "traymaker." The making of these articles and similar articles of domestic use was important employment in the remote countryside. Another sister, Sarah Cloyce, was also accused of witchcraft. Her sister Mary (also accused and put to death for witchcraft) married Isaac Easty.

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Rebecca Nurse was the daughter of William Towne, of Yarmouth, Norfolk County, England where she was baptized Feb.

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