Mac os x version 10.6 wipe clean
Mac os x version 10.6 wipe clean

Even the fresh install of Lion was showing a random kernel panic every 5minutes to an hour and rebooting the system. When Lion was released I decided to not take a chance upgrading my stable 10.6.7 and so I wiped 2 of the drives I had in a RAID array and installed a fresh copy of Lion which I downloaded from the App Store (if you want to know how to create a bootable Lion install from Apples Lion download leave a comment and I’ll post that soon). I thought it might just be a *glitch* with 10.6.8 and patiently waited for Lion. I rolled back my 10.6.8 to 10.6.7 using a TimeMachine backup and everything was stable again. I have a second OS X 10.6.7 for emegency situations, booted into that and ran that for a few days and it was all fine. The system now erratically rebooted itself and a look at the logs showed Kernel Panics all over the place. Then Apple released a Snow Leopard update 10.6.8 to “ready you for Lion” so I dutifully upgraded the 10.6.7 I had installed on my SSD’s and it all went terribly wrong.

mac os x version 10.6 wipe clean

My Snow Leopard 10.6.7 install was nice and stable, not a single crash/hang/kernel panic or reboot. I threw some SSD’s in a RAID array in there for good measure too and the combination of those two things made a phenomenal difference to the rendering times.

mac os x version 10.6 wipe clean

I found a matching pair of cheap E5345 QUAD core processors on eBay and fitted them (that’s another post that will be on here soon along with photos of the CPU swap out process). Some recent projects I’ve been involved in have required some serious processing power to render gigapixel images and the original 2xDual Core XEONs weren’t up to it.

mac os x version 10.6 wipe clean

I bought my MacPro (MacPro 1,1) in September 2006 and nearly 5 years down the line it’s still going strong, or at least it was.

Mac os x version 10.6 wipe clean